Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Māori Showcase

Every class selected a story, song or dance to present to our community.  Our class retold the story of "Ruru and the Giant Pouākai."

This is a tale of problem solving and working together in very challenging times. It is about a Giant Pouākai (Eagle) that would swoop down and grab hunters. The Māori people were scared and unable to hunt. Finally one warrior had a plan. They created a giant cage. Ruru ran out as bait for the bird. Then luckily he made it back into the cage. When Pouākai landed on the cage all the warriors inside grabbed at his feathers and attacked him. The warriors won and could once again return to the forest and rivers to hunt.

We made masks and used props made from harakeke (flax).

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Writing Idol

This term we are writing about a journey taken by a young boy who has become the Wayfinder.  The Wayfinder guides the waka across the Pacific to discover new land. 
Ma'ake and Dylan have writen about one part of the journey.

As birds were squawking furiously trying to search the sea for food, someone called, "Help!" As soon as the birds heard this call, they wasted no time searching.  "Hey, help me!"
"Fine," said the birds telepathically. 
By Ma'ake

"Follow the doves," Manu shouted.  "They will lead us to land, food and water.  What luck the gods have brought onto us."
By Dylan


Earthquake Drill

Every term we hold an emergency drill.  Sometimes it is for fire, sometimes it is for lockdown and today it was for an earthquake.   We are ...